Tuesday 18 May 2010

The Facts In The Case Of Dr. Andrew Wakefield

A fifteen page story about the MMR vaccination controversy. Note added August 2013. This chapter, much corrected, is part of my book Science Tales (known as 'How To Fake A Moon Landing' in the States). A book on controversial science subjects, including evolution, the supposed fakes NASA Moon landings, homeopathy, and much more.

1 MMR Vaccination Scandal Story

2 MMR Vaccination Scandal Story

3 MMR Vaccination Scandal Story

4 MMR Vaccination Scandal Story

5 MMR Vaccination Scandal Story

6 MMR Vaccination Scandal Story

MMR 7 Vaccination Scandal Story

MMR 8 Vaccination Scandal Story

MMR 9 Vaccination Scandal Story

MMR 10 Vaccination Scandal Story

mmr 11 Vaccination Scandal Story

MMR 12 Vaccination Scandal Story

MMR 13 Vaccination Scandal Story

MMR 14 Vaccination Scandal Story

MMR 15 Vaccination Scandal Story

Extra bit: I've now placed a donation button on the left of this page. So if you appreciate my work and would like to help me do more, please consider sending me a small donation. Thank you.

References for the The Facts In The Case Of Dr. Andrew Wakefield, A Graphic Story By Darryl Cunningham. The main webpages I used to research this topic. I looked at many more, but the one's listed here were the most informative.

Ben Goldacre. The media’s MMR hoax.

The MMR-autism fraud. An investigation by Brian Deer.

David Gorski. The Fall of Andrew Wakefield.

Andrew Wakefield. From Wikipedia.

Profile: BBC on Dr Andrew Wakefield.

Brian Deer Dateline documentary.